coffee : random update
posted by Jay June 21, 2020 0 comments

Greetings everyone!

It's been so long since I have last posted on this blog. I am not even sure if there is going to be anyone reading this because apparently, a large number of bloggers that I followed before have been on hiatus or having their blogs private. I was struggling with online classes, tests, and quizzes throughout the week and got stressed out. I wanted to go out and watch a movie at the cinema like I used to do in the past but due to the current situation, the fear of me putting my family members at risk just because I decided to have fun does not sit well with me so slash that movie thing.

So here I am, typing a post on a blog that hadn't been touched for so long during my fifteen minutes break from getting my lab report done. I am not even sure what's the point of this post, so I guess I will put the title after I am done writing this.

I just noticed I had a lot of mind talk and rant drafts, I might go and re-read them sometime later. I will post the ones that I find interesting to share, but if there's none, no update then. Harhar.

So how have you guys been? Are you all doing well? Is your life okay these days?

If yes, I am happy for you. But if your answer is no, just know that you are never alone. Start looking around, there might be someone who was waiting for you to open up all along.

During this tough situation, let's be strong for ourselves and for each other too. I think this post will not be lengthy. I might turn this blog into a place I post my random drabble. Who knows?

Until then,
Aya J signs out.


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